
The Saar-Hunsrück-Steig leads out onto 24 stages in total from Perl to the Mosel unto Boppard-upon-Rhine. On the 23rd stage, you reach Oppenhausen from Morshausen and enjoy panoramic views in the direction of Eifel as well as the pretty Ehrbach valley with several old mills and an attractive gorge path.
The first part impresses with phenomenal panoramic views in the direction of Eifel. Before the climb in the Ehrbach valley, we enjoy again a great view of the valley and of the medieval Ehrenburg castle, which is enthroned above.
Having reached the bottom, we pass through the small village of Ehrenburgertal and we go over a long climb to the worthwhile and fully-preserved medieval Ehrenburg castle, which can be visited for an entrance fee.
Beautiful trails lead to the Ehrbach valley with its several old mills. One of the nicest sections of the Saar-Hunsrück starts with the wild and romantic Ehrbach gorge just behind the Eckmühle. We experience a spectacular course along the Ehrbach with narrow paths, stepping stones, waterfalls, rock formations, bridges and passages secured by ropes. Before we leave the Ehrbach valley, we pass through a former medieval slate quarry to then climb to the castle Schöneck through a small side valley through serpentine roads. The climb to the plateau at Windhausen is rewarded with several beautiful viewpoints in the Ehrbach valley. From Windhausen, the path is flat through agricultural land with several panoramas towards the Oppenhausen milestone.